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How to enjoy study abroad

During my time in college I had the opportunity to travel to Austria. I went on the two week Global Citizen study abroad program. Although it wasn’t a full semester I was able to learn so much about a different country. I was able to visit a different culture and explore the traditions and languages that the country had to offer. While I was there I also visited a concentration camp and it allowed me to see and experience the difficulties of World War II. My grandfather had been taken to a German labor camp when he was 12-years-old. He lived in Greece during the time and he was taken to work in a labor camp. He told me the stories and the difficulties he faced while living in Austria and how he now speaks fluent German. Although it was difficult, he was eventually freed and always says great things about the German and Austrian people. It was an amazing experience and I would tell anyone to go and travel if you have the opportunity to at your school. It is so helpful and it gives you a time to grow and learn about yourself and a different country. Here are two links of different study abroad programs to check out: UF in EUROPE: Abroad in AUSTRALIA:
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