Getting your oil changed in a college town

When you go to college, you begin having to do many little things that you probably wouldn’t have to do back home. This post is about getting your car oil changed in a college town. Some of my friends don’t bring a car to school, but if you’re like me, you want to be in control of where you go and what you do. So I had to bring my car with me. I brought my car to Gainesville and many little things have happened where I had to fix my car on my own. Firstly, over the hot summer months my car air conditioner stopped working… it was like going inside a sauna every time I went into my car. I decided after several weeks to take it to a shop to see what was wrong with it. They told me I was low on coolant, and I had no idea what coolant even was. They said I could buy it myself and put it into my car because it’d be cheaper if I did it myself. So I bought it and the store manager showed me how to do it and honestly it was such a simple thing but I felt so accomplished after.

If you drive home a lot or take little trips you’re bound to have to change your oil at one point. So I decided to change my oil on a Saturday at the local Volkswagen dealership in town. College towns do have many different car dealerships. In Gainesville there is one for almost every car that exists if you look for it. I take my Volkswagen Jetta to the Volkswagen dealership and not only do they change my oil and check everything in my car, they also gave me a complimentary car wash! Saturdays are a bit more busy so I would recommend going on a weekday whenever you are free.

A huge tip for Gainesville students is to check they have a ton of coupons for changing your oil or getting your tires rotated etc. It is super helpful for a college student on a budget!

Also, while you’re there waiting the hour or two for your car oil to be changed, bring your laptop or school books and sit and do some homework! You won’t regret it.


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